Cram, Snack, Repeat!
What do Stuyvesant students eat in a day, and how does their school-life impact their food intake?
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Prompt: Share what you tend to eat at school and how Stuyvesant impacts your daily food consumption in any way!
"Sometimes I eat lunch on the train home because I’m studying for a test during school. Usually, I bring lunch from home, so I eat rice, vegetables, and meat." —Emerie Ngai, junior
"Mostly, my teachers let me eat in their classes. I eat in almost every class. Recently, I’ve been having rice and spicy tofu." —Annie Chen, junior
“ I am forced to eat breakfast because I drink coffee, and if I don’t eat breakfast before I drink coffee, I get really bad stomach cramps. Therefore, my bad sleep schedule as a result of being a Stuy student kind of promotes a healthy lifestyle.” —Amy Deng, junior
"I either eat school lunch if it seems appetizing or absolutely nothing until the school day ends and I can go buy something." —Ronghe Guo, sophomore
“I usually don’t eat at school, as I am adapted to eating lunch later. Also, I am usually focusing on homework and stuff so I don’t really feel hungry. I guess because of Stuy’s competitive atmosphere I don’t feel hungry, but I do eat at home and sometimes bring snacks.” —Kazi Mehjabeen, freshman
“My favorite part of the Stuy cafeteria food are the fruits they offer, like the grapes, pineapples, pears, and strawberries and cucumbers!!!! They’re a great source of sweet stuff and help me lock in for my homework that’s due the very next period and feel happier about being in Stuy.” —Jessica Ho, sophomore
“I usually bring my own lunch to Stuyvesant and eat it during my lunch period. Stuyvesant definitely impacts when I’d eat lunch and how hungry I’d be because I have seventh lunch, and I'm usually hungry by then, but if I had fifth lunch, I’d probably not eat anything.” —Sophia Cao, sophomore
"Usually on Monday through Thursday, I would just eat the school lunch, and then on Fridays (when I can't bear the school lunch) I go out for lunch. Stuyvesant definitely made my meals at home larger than before. God knows how much I eat for dinner after starving myself at school.” —Elly Wu Feng, freshman
“I would say that at Stuy, I eat lunch a little earlier than usual, because at home I eat at around 1:00 to 1:30, but at Stuy I eat at around 12:30 (seventh period). I used to get hungry a lot during sixth period, but now I guess that’s not the case anymore. Also, I tend to eat less at school because of time constraints, as I use my frees to do some work that I might have. Sometimes, I might skip lunch altogether during seventh and eat during my lab free (period nine, if I have it—I usually do).” —Sarzil Chowdhury, junior
“I usually eat my packed lunch at school, which is some vegetables or carbs and protein, and I think that because I wake up so early I end up eating more food throughout the day.” —Stella Papadamianos, sophomore.
“I get Neoguri ramen from Terry’s for lunch, and so my sodium consumption is really good. In elementary school and middle school I used to never eat lunch, but I do now at Stuyvesant because we’re allowed to go out." —Kayla Wang, junior
“I usually eat the school breakfast for lunch. It tastes better.” —Anita Wu, junior
“I tend to buy a lot of snacks from the WholeFoods near Stuyvesant during my lunch and free periods. You can often find me with a big bag of chips or a container of cookies. I don’t find the school lunch to be too appetizing, but Stuyvesant definitely impacts my food consumption. The long school day and commute makes me very snacky!” —Chloe Lin, freshman
“Well, I eat two school lunches and my own lunch, and that’s after I eat the snacks and beg for food from the swim team. I get hungry a lot, but I don’t think that’s due to Stuy in any particular way.” —Alexander Zhu, freshman
“I usually go out to eat, and the fact that Stuy puts so many kids in the same lunch period means I always have someone to go to lunch with. It’s nice.” —Sasha Silakov, freshman
“I mean, I just eat school lunch—my schedule is pretty good (fifth lunch and 10th free). I also eat the school’s breakfast.” —Tiffany Xu, sophomore
“During my lunch period, I usually either bring food from home or go outside to buy something. Sometimes, if I forget my lunch, I’ll eat the school kind. I think it’s a good option because that way I don’t have to go hungry during the long school day, and I eat something that’s relatively healthy.” —Azwad Akif, freshman
“I never end up finishing my home lunch although it’s just a thermos because I end up being so caught up with work during lunch.” —Amelie Rhew, sophomore
“At school, I usually pack my lunch because I don't want to spend money every day, and I prefer to look at fast food or eating out to be a treat and rare privilege. I eat sandwiches or pasta and veggies as a snack, which usually keeps me up for the school day, but I will need another snack in the late afternoon before my sports.” —Clara-Ly Duquette, freshman
“I usually eat cereal in the morning and go to the cafeteria for lunch. I try to have a salad with protein for dinner.” —Odin Boughal, sophomore
“In the morning I don’t eat anything, and during math class I eat a sandwich. For dinner, it depends, but a lot of times I eat salad or pasta, and then I like to have a snack while I’m studying.” —Yana Bijoor, sophomore
“I drink copious amounts of coffee. At one point it got so bad that I would drink one in the morning, one at lunch, one after school before sports, one after sports, and one at night because I was so sleep deprived. And when I didn’t drink it, I’d start shaking. [As for eating habits,] I usually drink coffee for breakfast and get lunch, if I have sports. But if I don’t, I just eat dinner because having fourth [period] lunch is terrible. Who eats lunch at 10 [a.m.]? Anyways, very bad eating habits.” —Stacie Au, senior
“I drink Celsius too much. I don’t know if it’s because I need it, or because it is so easily accessible at Ferry’s and Terry’s.” —Rachel Alvarez, senior
“I eat food that I brought from home at school because I hate school lunch. Usually it’s just a snack because I don't have time to eat a real lunch because of Stuyvesant work culture and also partially embarrassment.” —Maheen Rahmen, sophomore
“I usually eat homemade food, and Stuy doesn’t impact this decision in any way.” —Peter Lin, sophomore
"I always get the one dollar McDonalds iced coffee. It doesn’t taste that good, but it gets the job done."—Amelia Basith, sophomore
"I usually don’t eat real food in Stuy, but I usually eat my friends’ snacks."—Amani Kaushal, sophomore