Arts and Entertainment
Beyond the Veil of Illusion: Colleen Hoover’s Problematic Play on Trauma and Abuse in Literature
Hoover’s take on abuse and trauma is problematic in that it misleads young women to normalize toxic and abusive relationships.
Arts and Entertainment
Memorabilia of the English Curriculum
By Adele Bois, Levi Simon, Zifei Zhao, Zoe Buff
Many Stuyvesant students may think of their nightly English reading assignments as more burdens to overcome, but Arts and Entertainment writers argue that these books have made a profound impact on our journeys throughout high school.
Arts and Entertainment
Where Did the Warrior Cats Go?
“Warriors” is a long-running YA fantasy series with an active community that was designed by HarperCollins
Arts and Entertainment
Zillenial Existential Dread
By Anika Amin
A review of popular novelist Sally Rooney’s most recent book.
Arts and Entertainment
“The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue”: An Artistic Portrayal of Self Love
By Suah Chung
A book review of “The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue” by V.E. Schwab, a portrait of the timeless struggle of finding value in your life and making an impact on the course of history.
Arts and Entertainment
The Life and Works of Jan Morris
Honors Jan Morris, an internationally-acclaimed historian and writer who recently passed away.
Arts and Entertainment
Presidential Inaugural Poet Richard Blanco Virtually Visits Stuyvesant
By Jenny Liu
Arts and Entertainment
The Cognitive Dissonance of “Ender’s Game”: A Struggle in Identity
By Suah Chung
A book review of “Ender’s Game ”by Orson Scott Card, a tactical and psychological masterpiece with unprecedented concepts of science fiction and political relevance that outshines any minor flaws.

Arts and Entertainment
BookTok: The New Age of Reading?
By Raaita Anwar
It seems that both readers and authors alike have fallen victim to the commercialization of literature on TikTok.

Arts and Entertainment
Where Did the Warrior Cats Go?
“Warriors” is a long-running YA fantasy series with an active community that was designed by HarperCollins
Arts and Entertainment
The Mysterious Affair of the Consulting Detective
The genre of Nordic Noir is told from the perspective of a consulting detective.
Arts and Entertainment
Le Cirque des Rêves
By Suah Chung
A review of Erin Morgenstern’s debut fantasy novel, “The Night Circus,” demonstrates that despite its minor flaws, its unparalleled writing style make it a unique read.
Arts and Entertainment
The Ills of Instapoetry
By May Hathaway
The meteoric rise of Instapoetry over the past few years has changed many people’s perceptions of poetry and has had unintended negative consequences on the genre of poetry as a whole.
Arts and Entertainment
Where Has the YA Genre Gone?
Why was the YA genre so popular and where has it gone now?
Arts and Entertainment
Fantastic Tropes and Where to Find Them
A study on common tropes in the Young Adult Fiction genre and how they can be made fresh again.
Arts and Entertainment
Turtles All the Way Dab
Reviewing John Green’s latest novel, “Turtles All the Way Down,” as someone very familiar with his work and life, and through the lens of someone who also deals with mental illness.

Caliper Hosts Poets House Open Mic
By Kara Yip, Sarah Diaz, Sharon Zhou
Caliper hosted an open mic at the NYC Poets House on April 17.
Arts and Entertainment
Beyond the Veil of Illusion: Colleen Hoover’s Problematic Play on Trauma and Abuse in Literature
Hoover’s take on abuse and trauma is problematic in that it misleads young women to normalize toxic and abusive relationships.
Arts and Entertainment
Presidential Inaugural Poet Richard Blanco Virtually Visits Stuyvesant
By Jenny Liu

Arts and Entertainment
The Polyjuice Potion Has Worn Off
Why I have lost respect for J.K. Rowling—and what she must do to regain it.
Arts and Entertainment
The Ills of Instapoetry
By May Hathaway
The meteoric rise of Instapoetry over the past few years has changed many people’s perceptions of poetry and has had unintended negative consequences on the genre of poetry as a whole.
Arts and Entertainment
Where Has the YA Genre Gone?
Why was the YA genre so popular and where has it gone now?
Arts and Entertainment
Fantastic Tropes and Where to Find Them
A study on common tropes in the Young Adult Fiction genre and how they can be made fresh again.

Arts and Entertainment
How to Be a 2017 New York Times Bestseller: An Ode to a Bawse A$$ Book
A review of Lilly Singh’s new book “How to Be a Bawse: A Guide to Conquering Life.”
Arts and Entertainment
“The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue”: An Artistic Portrayal of Self Love
By Suah Chung
A book review of “The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue” by V.E. Schwab, a portrait of the timeless struggle of finding value in your life and making an impact on the course of history.

Arts and Entertainment
BookTok: The New Age of Reading?
By Raaita Anwar
It seems that both readers and authors alike have fallen victim to the commercialization of literature on TikTok.
Arts and Entertainment
The Mysterious Affair of the Consulting Detective
The genre of Nordic Noir is told from the perspective of a consulting detective.
Arts and Entertainment
The Cognitive Dissonance of “Ender’s Game”: A Struggle in Identity
By Suah Chung
A book review of “Ender’s Game ”by Orson Scott Card, a tactical and psychological masterpiece with unprecedented concepts of science fiction and political relevance that outshines any minor flaws.

Arts and Entertainment
On Obama’s “A Promised Land”
Obama’s memoir takes a deep dive into his first presidential term.
Arts and Entertainment
The Life and Works of Jan Morris
Honors Jan Morris, an internationally-acclaimed historian and writer who recently passed away.
Arts and Entertainment
Memorabilia of the English Curriculum
By Adele Bois, Levi Simon, Zifei Zhao, Zoe Buff
Many Stuyvesant students may think of their nightly English reading assignments as more burdens to overcome, but Arts and Entertainment writers argue that these books have made a profound impact on our journeys throughout high school.
Arts and Entertainment
Where Did the Warrior Cats Go?
“Warriors” is a long-running YA fantasy series with an active community that was designed by HarperCollins

Arts and Entertainment
Where Did the Warrior Cats Go?
“Warriors” is a long-running YA fantasy series with an active community that was designed by HarperCollins

Arts and Entertainment
Turtles All the Way Dab
Reviewing John Green’s latest novel, “Turtles All the Way Down,” as someone very familiar with his work and life, and through the lens of someone who also deals with mental illness.
Arts and Entertainment
“A Teacher to the Last”
By Suah Chung
A review of the true story of “Tuesdays with Morrie” narrated by Mitch Albom reveals the affectionate conversations between an old college professor who suffered...
Arts and Entertainment
Zillenial Existential Dread
By Anika Amin
A review of popular novelist Sally Rooney’s most recent book.
Arts and Entertainment
A Difference in Perspective: Paranoia Edition
Though they are both writers of horror that incorporate an element of paranoia into their stories, the way that Edgar Allan Poe and HP Lovecraft...