Zifei Zhao (zifei-zhao)

zzhao30 [ at ] stuy [ dot ] edu


Zifei Zhao ('23) is an Arts and Entertainment and Features writer and a Photo member. She enjoys writing pieces about music, fashion, and the Stuy community, as well as thinkpieces on trending artistic themes. In her free time, she likes to hang out with friends and go outdoors.

Zifei Zhao's art, photos, and other media:

Zifei Zhao's work
Zifei Zhao's work
Zifei Zhao's work
Zifei Zhao's work
Zifei Zhao's work
Zifei Zhao's work
Zifei Zhao's work
Zifei Zhao's work
Zifei Zhao's work
Zifei Zhao's work
Zifei Zhao's work
Zifei Zhao's work
Zifei Zhao's work