Recently, a new Instagram account has gained popularity amongst Stuyvesant students, as well as attention from faculty. Some find it entertaining while others find it problematic.
Issue 7, Volume 115
AP Mandarin students receive access to the Du Chinese app through PTA funding.
Issue 5, Volume 115
Students from Stuyvesant’s Key Club, Red Cross, and Taiwanese culture club—Stuywan—participated in the Passport to Taiwan festival.
Issue 17, Volume 114
Caliper hosted an open mic at the NYC Poets House on April 17.
Issue 14, Volume 114
The 2023-2024 Big Sib Chairs have announced the 2024-2025 Big Sib Chairs! Art/photo requests: photo of the new big sib chairs
Issue 13, Volume 114
Students react to the administration of two-factor authentication (2FA).
Issue 8, Volume 114
The Student Union organized a coat for students to donate and pick up winter coats.
Issue 7, Volume 114
ARISTA’s Executive Council has been selected for the 2023-2024 school year.
Issue 2, Volume 114
The AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam had many technical difficulties which caused many issues during the test and scheduling conflicts with other exams.
Issue 17, Volume 113
Latin Club novice team wins at UPenn Certamen.
Issue 13, Volume 113
On Wednesday, Match 15, the new Big Sib chairs for the 2023-2024 school year were elected.
Issue 12, Volume 113
There is stricter adherence to DOE fundraising guidelines that may affect many clubs and student organizations.
Issue 6, Volume 113
What has our Principal been plotting all along? We have come to bring you some theories…
Issue 4, Volume 113
A mural on the first floor created by Stuyvesant students serves as a tribute to the music department, combining Wassily Kandinsky’s style and the playful colors of the 7-9 escalator banner.
Issue 1, Volume 113
Bubble tea chain Chun Yang Tea opens a new location near Stuyvesant.
Issue 16, Volume 112
Stuy Legacy places second at the BOOM Dance Competition at Mount Saint Vincent College
Issue 14, Volume 112
Students created hominid sculptures and architectural models that are now displayed around the school.
Issue 10, Volume 112
Stuyvesant partnered with Robin, a community organization focused on mental health and emotional wellbeing, to work with freshmen students through seminars in order to help them learn techniques to alleviate stress.
Issue 7, Volume 112