Jupiter Gets Stupider
By Astrid Harrington, Tamiyyah Shafiq
It’s well known that everyone at Stuy hates Jupiter, but the impossible has happened: it just got worse.
Haunting New Lunch Options Arrive in TriBeCa
By Charlotte Peterson, Ravindra Mangar
Fifi the Stuyvesant ghost accidentally drops their bottle of Kit Kats in McDonalds, causing the surrounding TriBeCa food places to go into ruin. In order to protect the Stuyvesant quality of life, the DOE moves in to save the day.
The Daily Spectator?!
By David Lin
The Spectator shall become a daily publication from here on out… NOT a good idea.
What Have Yu Been Up To?
What has our Principal been plotting all along? We have come to bring you some theories…
The Disappearance of the Mets (and How to Find Your New Favorite Team)
Here’s a list of teams that are unlikely to disappoint their fans in the postseason and are great alternatives to rooting for the Mets.
Arts and Entertainment
The World Around The Game
With a greater emphasis being placed on performances and fan engagement, sports have become increasingly dependent on the entertainment industry for survival.
Keeping Up With the Brooklyn Nets
The dysfunctional family that is the Brooklyn Nets is dressing up as the Kardashians this year. Read why.
The Vixens’ Journey to the Playoffs
The Vixens have gone 6-0 without dropping a set, their best record since 2019.
Arts and Entertainment
“Do Revenge” Is a Breath of Fresh Air
“Do Revenge” is a snappy teen drama and a social commentary on current issues.
Arts and Entertainment
September In Review: Selection of Album Appraisals
Three album reviews from three definitive names in three separate genres.
How These Two Clubs are Rejuvenating Stuyvesant Sports
By Ty Anant
Sports Sibs and SMC have done a lot for athletic engagement at Stuy this year, and the sports culture at Stuyvesant looks like it’s going to continue to grow.
Arts and Entertainment
GAYLE’s New EP is “indieedgycool”
The teen sensation proves she is no one-hit wonder.
Stride and Joy: The Greyducks Are Sticking to the Plan
By Romain Tarayre, Vernon Hughes
The start of the school year signals the start of yet another season for the Greyducks, Stuyvesant’s girls’ cross country team, who have high goals for the upcoming championship meets.
The Disappearance of the Mets (and How to Find Your New Favorite Team)
Here’s a list of teams that are unlikely to disappoint their fans in the postseason and are great alternatives to rooting for the Mets.
Christmas Is Better Than Halloween
After evaluating the modern Christmas and Halloween holidays in terms of iconic media and individual importance, Christmas remains superior.
Murray Kahn Theater Light System Gets a Revamp
By Aditya Anand, Nada Hameed, Rorie Taylor, Sarah Huynh
The light system in the Murray Kahn Theater underwent renovations.
Teachers’ Opinions Regarding In-Person Field Trips
Stuyvesant teachers discuss their future plans, if any, of hosting field trips for their classes.
Introducing Stuyvesant’s Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee
By Isabella Jia, Janna Wang, Rebecca Bao, Sarah Diaz
Stuyvesant’s Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee (DEI) explains its initiatives and plans for the 2022-2023 school year.

The Truth Behind Stuy’s IDs
By Tara Suri
At Camp Stuy, everyone remembers getting their ID photo taken and being horrified when finally receiving it; however, the truth is uncovered when an unsuspecting student discovers the secret behind everyone's ugly ID photo.

Expedition Unknown: 11th Floor
By Alexander Chu, Vincent D'Angelo
The Spec’s bravest adventurers venture to the 11th floor! What horrors await them!?

A Candy (C)Rush
By Abigail Jin, Adeline Sauberli
After eating way too much Halloween candy, students on a sugar high wreak havoc in school.

Halloween Nightmare: Stuy Edition
By Erica Chen, Karen Chen, Ryan Peng
A student explores a horror-themed version of Stuy. What nightmares await them?

Halloween Costumes, Ranked
By Gabriella Hoefner, Virgenya Zhu
The definitive list of Spectator-endorsed and discouraged Halloween costumes. Let the games begin.

The Stuyvesant Haunted House
By Seth Fenton
Halloween at Stuyvesant has one major problem and Principal Yu knows how to solve it.

Take Two Pieces of Candy!
By Kevin Chan
You’re tired of trick-or-treaters taking all of the candy in the candy bucket, so you devise a plan to change that.

Ranking Childhood Shows and Books
By Michelle Lee
I decide to revisit—and then rank—five of my childhood favorites.

Pennywise and the Long Halloween of Stuyvesant High School
By Munem Tajwar
On Halloween, Derry, Maine’s main attraction arrives at Stuyvesant High School.

Arts and Entertainment
Grin and Bear It
By Dorothy Ha
Director Parker Finn takes an impressive dive into the horror genre with his frightening debut film “Smile.”

Love at First Spike
By Frederik Schutz, Yashna Patel
Meet Venus Wan, four-year varsity player who has smashed PSAL records, de-spike the odds.

Stuyvesant’s First Hispanic Heritage Month Dinner
By Evan Lin, Fiona Shi, Juni Park, Saerom Kim
Stuyvesant’s first dinner celebration for Hispanic Heritage Month featured a variety of events and cultural elements both entertaining and educating attendants on Hispanic culture and history.
Synthetic Biology and Manipulating Nature
By Subaah Syed
The recent feat of synthetically creating a mouse embryo from stem cells highlights the result of decades worth of advancements and research in stem cells, and all the while opens a debate in the ethics of the field itself.
Artemis I Launch: Timeline and Info
Though the Artemis I launch has been more difficult than expected to start, the program is a crucial step towards furthering human progress in space exploration.
A Second Iranian Revolution?
By Muhib Muhib
An Iranian woman was killed extrajudicially by Iranian religious police, likely resulting in the necessary spark for a second Iranian revolution.
Don’t Take Candy from Strangers: The History of Halloween Candy Tampering
We’re often told to never take candies from strangers, but Halloween seems to be the exception.
Is a Four-Day Workweek the Future?
By Khush Wadhwa
Does a five-day workweek truly reflect our civil needs?
mRNA Vaccines: Creation and Potential for Future Disease Control
By Seth Fenton
mRNA vaccines are an incredibly important innovation in disease mitigation with an equally incredible long history.
Arts and Entertainment
Don’t Date a Celebrity
Due to their status in society, oftentimes celebrity men possess a more common pattern of cheating, facing greater opportunity and less repercussions for their actions compared to an average person.
Yes, I’m a Ghostwriter
By Christian Kim, Kyle Hon Chan
Hey! I’m the REAL ghost of The Spec. Come, let’s have a chat!
Pumpkins in Pain
Pumpkins are adored by many as a symbol of fall festivities, but the massive amounts thrown out each year are catastrophic to the environment.
Spotted Lanternflies Take On the Big Apple
Though they are not directly dangerous to humans—they’re not poisonous, they don’t sting and they don’t bite—they do drain the economy, impoverish our trees, and are, to state it simply, annoying. So the question remains: what can you do to rid New York City of lanternflies?
Stuyvesant Speech and Debate Team Resumes In-Person Tournaments
By Jady Chen, Jasmine Yuen, Seth Fenton, Ziying Jian
Stuyvesant’s Speech and Debate (S&D) team kicks off the new school year with a return to in-person tournaments.
Kudos and Kudon’ts For Your Halloween Costume
It is time to up your Halloween costume game! Here are some kudos and kudon’ts on what to wear to Stuyvesant’s costume contest.
The "Forgotten Giant" of Clean Energy
Hydroelectric power is the world’s cheapest and most popular renewable, yet it’s often ignored in mainstream discussion.
Polio is Coming Back: Should We Be Concerned?
The outbreak of polio should be a wakeup call of the dangerous situations with polio that continue abroad.
Robots in Surgery
By Ryan Lin
Robotic systems enhance the performance of surgeons, benefiting patients and allowing for complicated surgeries to be performed.
Jupiter Gets Stupider
By Astrid Harrington, Tamiyyah Shafiq
It’s well known that everyone at Stuy hates Jupiter, but the impossible has happened: it just got worse.

The Truth Behind Stuy’s IDs
By Tara Suri
At Camp Stuy, everyone remembers getting their ID photo taken and being horrified when finally receiving it; however, the truth is uncovered when an unsuspecting student discovers the secret behind everyone's ugly ID photo.
Haunting New Lunch Options Arrive in TriBeCa
By Charlotte Peterson, Ravindra Mangar
Fifi the Stuyvesant ghost accidentally drops their bottle of Kit Kats in McDonalds, causing the surrounding TriBeCa food places to go into ruin. In order to protect the Stuyvesant quality of life, the DOE moves in to save the day.
The Daily Spectator?!
By David Lin
The Spectator shall become a daily publication from here on out… NOT a good idea.

Expedition Unknown: 11th Floor
By Alexander Chu, Vincent D'Angelo
The Spec’s bravest adventurers venture to the 11th floor! What horrors await them!?

A Candy (C)Rush
By Abigail Jin, Adeline Sauberli
After eating way too much Halloween candy, students on a sugar high wreak havoc in school.

Halloween Nightmare: Stuy Edition
By Erica Chen, Karen Chen, Ryan Peng
A student explores a horror-themed version of Stuy. What nightmares await them?

Halloween Costumes, Ranked
By Gabriella Hoefner, Virgenya Zhu
The definitive list of Spectator-endorsed and discouraged Halloween costumes. Let the games begin.

The Stuyvesant Haunted House
By Seth Fenton
Halloween at Stuyvesant has one major problem and Principal Yu knows how to solve it.

Take Two Pieces of Candy!
By Kevin Chan
You’re tired of trick-or-treaters taking all of the candy in the candy bucket, so you devise a plan to change that.

Ranking Childhood Shows and Books
By Michelle Lee
I decide to revisit—and then rank—five of my childhood favorites.

Pennywise and the Long Halloween of Stuyvesant High School
By Munem Tajwar
On Halloween, Derry, Maine’s main attraction arrives at Stuyvesant High School.
What Have Yu Been Up To?
What has our Principal been plotting all along? We have come to bring you some theories…
The Disappearance of the Mets (and How to Find Your New Favorite Team)
Here’s a list of teams that are unlikely to disappoint their fans in the postseason and are great alternatives to rooting for the Mets.
Arts and Entertainment
The World Around The Game
With a greater emphasis being placed on performances and fan engagement, sports have become increasingly dependent on the entertainment industry for survival.
Keeping Up With the Brooklyn Nets
The dysfunctional family that is the Brooklyn Nets is dressing up as the Kardashians this year. Read why.

Arts and Entertainment
Grin and Bear It
By Dorothy Ha
Director Parker Finn takes an impressive dive into the horror genre with his frightening debut film “Smile.”
The Vixens’ Journey to the Playoffs
The Vixens have gone 6-0 without dropping a set, their best record since 2019.
Arts and Entertainment
“Do Revenge” Is a Breath of Fresh Air
“Do Revenge” is a snappy teen drama and a social commentary on current issues.
Arts and Entertainment
September In Review: Selection of Album Appraisals
Three album reviews from three definitive names in three separate genres.
How These Two Clubs are Rejuvenating Stuyvesant Sports
By Ty Anant
Sports Sibs and SMC have done a lot for athletic engagement at Stuy this year, and the sports culture at Stuyvesant looks like it’s going to continue to grow.
Arts and Entertainment
GAYLE’s New EP is “indieedgycool”
The teen sensation proves she is no one-hit wonder.
Stride and Joy: The Greyducks Are Sticking to the Plan
By Romain Tarayre, Vernon Hughes
The start of the school year signals the start of yet another season for the Greyducks, Stuyvesant’s girls’ cross country team, who have high goals for the upcoming championship meets.
The Disappearance of the Mets (and How to Find Your New Favorite Team)
Here’s a list of teams that are unlikely to disappoint their fans in the postseason and are great alternatives to rooting for the Mets.

Love at First Spike
By Frederik Schutz, Yashna Patel
Meet Venus Wan, four-year varsity player who has smashed PSAL records, de-spike the odds.
Christmas Is Better Than Halloween
After evaluating the modern Christmas and Halloween holidays in terms of iconic media and individual importance, Christmas remains superior.

Stuyvesant’s First Hispanic Heritage Month Dinner
By Evan Lin, Fiona Shi, Juni Park, Saerom Kim
Stuyvesant’s first dinner celebration for Hispanic Heritage Month featured a variety of events and cultural elements both entertaining and educating attendants on Hispanic culture and history.
Murray Kahn Theater Light System Gets a Revamp
By Aditya Anand, Nada Hameed, Rorie Taylor, Sarah Huynh
The light system in the Murray Kahn Theater underwent renovations.
Teachers’ Opinions Regarding In-Person Field Trips
Stuyvesant teachers discuss their future plans, if any, of hosting field trips for their classes.

Friends Beyond Stuyvesant
By Frances Schwarz, Millie Bell
Many Stuyvesant students have friends outside of school. What’s it like to balance in-school and out-of-school relationships?
Introducing Stuyvesant’s Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee
By Isabella Jia, Janna Wang, Rebecca Bao, Sarah Diaz
Stuyvesant’s Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee (DEI) explains its initiatives and plans for the 2022-2023 school year.
To Pledge or Not to Pledge
By Andrew Oh
Investigating the mystery of the decline of the Pledge of Allegiance.
Synthetic Biology and Manipulating Nature
By Subaah Syed
The recent feat of synthetically creating a mouse embryo from stem cells highlights the result of decades worth of advancements and research in stem cells, and all the while opens a debate in the ethics of the field itself.

Please Let Me Go Trick or Treating
By Lauren Chin
Everyone, no matter their age, should have a chance to trick-or-treat.
Artemis I Launch: Timeline and Info
Though the Artemis I launch has been more difficult than expected to start, the program is a crucial step towards furthering human progress in space exploration.

Pumpkins in Pain
Pumpkins are adored by many as a symbol of fall festivities, but the massive amounts thrown out each year are catastrophic to the environment.
A Second Iranian Revolution?
By Muhib Muhib
An Iranian woman was killed extrajudicially by Iranian religious police, likely resulting in the necessary spark for a second Iranian revolution.
Don’t Take Candy from Strangers: The History of Halloween Candy Tampering
We’re often told to never take candies from strangers, but Halloween seems to be the exception.

Spotted Lanternflies Take On the Big Apple
Though they are not directly dangerous to humans—they’re not poisonous, they don’t sting and they don’t bite—they do drain the economy, impoverish our trees, and are, to state it simply, annoying. So the question remains: what can you do to rid New York City of lanternflies?

Stuyvesant Speech and Debate Team Resumes In-Person Tournaments
By Jady Chen, Jasmine Yuen, Seth Fenton, Ziying Jian
Stuyvesant’s Speech and Debate (S&D) team kicks off the new school year with a return to in-person tournaments.
Is a Four-Day Workweek the Future?
By Khush Wadhwa
Does a five-day workweek truly reflect our civil needs?
mRNA Vaccines: Creation and Potential for Future Disease Control
By Seth Fenton
mRNA vaccines are an incredibly important innovation in disease mitigation with an equally incredible long history.

Kudos and Kudon’ts For Your Halloween Costume
It is time to up your Halloween costume game! Here are some kudos and kudon’ts on what to wear to Stuyvesant’s costume contest.

The "Forgotten Giant" of Clean Energy
Hydroelectric power is the world’s cheapest and most popular renewable, yet it’s often ignored in mainstream discussion.

Polio is Coming Back: Should We Be Concerned?
The outbreak of polio should be a wakeup call of the dangerous situations with polio that continue abroad.

Robots in Surgery
By Ryan Lin
Robotic systems enhance the performance of surgeons, benefiting patients and allowing for complicated surgeries to be performed.
Arts and Entertainment
Don’t Date a Celebrity
Due to their status in society, oftentimes celebrity men possess a more common pattern of cheating, facing greater opportunity and less repercussions for their actions compared to an average person.

The Stuyvesant School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
The official introduction to the Stuyvesant School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, including hacks on how to survive ghosts, ghouls, merpeople, and the Hudson River Basilisk.