Stuyvesant launches a live-streaming service for athletic games. Art/Photo Request: Still from the sports streaming channel or photo of games being live streamed if possible
Issue 6, Volume 113
The Spectator shall become a daily publication from here on out… NOT a good idea.
Issue 4, Volume 113
The College Office organizes visits from college representatives for seniors.
Issue 3, Volume 113
Students and staff anticipate the release of AP African American Studies and voice their expectations for the course.
Issue 2, Volume 113
A guide on how to profit from the cafeteria’s stash of leftover fruit.
The Stuyvesant Muslim Students Association (MSA) hosted an Eid Potluck on May 6 to celebrate Eid al-Fitr, a Muslim holiday that marks the end of Ramadan.
Issue 16, Volume 112
The Stuyvesant Music department hosted three in-person spring concerts after more relaxed COVID-19 regulations.
Issue 15, Volume 112