The Competitive Coding Club (CCC) is attending the PClassic this year on December 2, a coding competition held at the University of Pennsylvania, in Philadelphia
Issue 7, Volume 114
The Junior Caucus hosted a virtual college panel on October 14th and 15th with recent Stuy alumni and Yale alumnus Juan Carlos Salinas.
Issue 6, Volume 114
Brandon Bunt was invited as a guest speaker by the Stuygi club, Stuyvesant’s fungi club for an event on May 10.
Issue 16, Volume 113
The Freshman Caucus hosted an Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt on April 3, open to all freshman students.
Issue 14, Volume 113
Stuyvesant launches a live-streaming service for athletic games. Art/Photo Request: Still from the sports streaming channel or photo of games being live streamed if possible
Issue 6, Volume 113
Activist and author Alex Gino (’95) was invited to speak to English teacher Annie Thoms’s Writing to Make Change classes on genderqueer advocacy. Both Gino and the audience members reflect on the importance of LGBTQ+ activism, progress made in this area, and room for further change.
Issue 5, Volume 113
Students and staff anticipate the release of AP African American Studies and voice their expectations for the course.
Issue 2, Volume 113
The Stuyvesant Environmental Club (SEC) hosted their annual Earth Day Fair this year, both virtually and in-person.
Issue 15, Volume 112