The Stuyvesant Muslim Students Association (MSA) hosted an Eid Potluck on May 6 to celebrate Eid al-Fitr, a Muslim holiday that marks the end of Ramadan.
Issue 16, Volume 112
Macy Jiang and Michelle Liang win the Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship
Issue 15, Volume 112
A financial report of the Stuyvesant Parents’ Association’s (PA’s) revenue and expenses.
Issue 13, Volume 112
The Student Union External Affairs Department organized a talk with entrepreneur Rishad Tobaccowala as part of their Speaker Series Project.
Issue 11, Volume 112
On the week of 1/24, in lieu of Regents examinations being cancelled and the Department of Education mandating that regular scheduling be held in its place, the Stuyvesant High School administration decided that new projects, assignments, and examinations would not be held unless they were previously scheduled or assigned.
Stuyvesant alumnus Liam Elkind (’17) is among the 32 Americans selected as Rhodes Scholars for the class of 2022 due to his work at Invisible Hands, 3.97 GPA at Yale University, and desire for social change.
Issue 8, Volume 112
After concerns about Stuyvesant’s workload were brought to light during virtual learning, the administration passed a new homework policy for the 2021-2022 school year.
Issue 7, Volume 112
The Stuyvesant Counseling Department, School Leadership Team, and School Security Team have made progress regarding the mental health infrastructure for Stuyvesant students after the transition to in-person learning.
Issue 4, Volume 112
Spanish Meets You hosted a virtual celebration of Día de Los Muertos, or “The Day of the Dead,” on November 2.
Issue 6, Volume 111
This school year, Stuyvesant made the decision to remove Enriched Geometry and use SHSAT scores to decide AP science course placement for the class of 2024.
Issue 5, Volume 111
The Spectator interviewed students about blended versus fully remote learning.
Issue 3, Volume 111
In alignment with public health guidance and nationwide school closures due to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, the College Board canceled the SAT and SAT Subject Test (SAT II) administrations scheduled for June 6.
Issue 14, Volume 110
Stuyvesant Robotics Teams 310 and 479 competed at the New York City Regionals while Team 694 competed at Palmetto Regionals.
Issue 12, Volume 110
Issue 11, Volume 110
Stuyvesant’s Science Olympiad (SciOly) team took home their third consecutive regional victory on February 8.
Stuyvesant’s Model United Nations Team participated in TechMUNC on January 4, 2020.
Issue 9, Volume 110
Mira Jacob (’91) came to Stuyvesant to speak to Writing to Make Change students who read her graphic novel “Good Talk” on November 19.
Issue 6, Volume 110
In a school with more than 3000 students, rules must be implemented to keep all the students safe. Responding to safety concerns regarding overcrowding in...
Issue 3, Volume 110
ASPIRA and BSL hosted a Cinco de Mayo celebration after school on May 10.
Issue 17, Volume 109
History teacher David Hanna will be teaching two new electives, one on the Middle Ages and the other on the Spanish Civil War, next school year.
Issue 15, Volume 109
The language department has introduced a pen pal program between AP Spanish students and high school students in Sabadell, Spain.
Issue 11, Volume 109