Mark Tsybulski, Enmei Yang, Brandon Zhang, and Ivan Zou were named as Regeneron Science Talent Search Scholars 2025.
Issue 9, Volume 115
The media underrepresents natural disasters that happen in disenfranchised and marginalized locations, prioritizing coverage of disasters in more affluent areas.
Emma Ching, Joanne Hwang, and Rayen Zhou have been selected as the SING! 2025 Coordinators.
Issue 8, Volume 115
Recently, a new Instagram account has gained popularity amongst Stuyvesant students, as well as attention from faculty. Some find it entertaining while others find it problematic.
Issue 7, Volume 115
Stuyvesant hosted a school-wide career fair this fall, where alumni shared insightful experiences with students.
Issue 6, Volume 115
The goal of the Safer Access Door is to make Stuyvesant safer and to make entering the building more practical for all who work at and attend the school.
Issue 3, Volume 115
Stuyvesant’s Muslim Student Association participated in the Muslim Interscholastic Tournament, earning first place for overall school performance on a national level.
Issue 2, Volume 115
StuyFest made its debut with a musical showcase at the end of the 2023-2024 school year.
Issue 1, Volume 115