Falling in Love with Fall
Once again welcoming chilly winds and autumn leaves, Stuyvesant students share their love, and hate, for the fall.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

‘Tis the season. Not quite the season to be jolly (fa-la-la-la-la), but the season to break out the pumpkin spice and a favorite sweater. ‘Tis the season when everything dies, or, if you take a more jolly view, the season for cuddling in our blankets and watching Halloween classics. Fall is officially underway!
Of all aspects of the fall season, the most iconic is, of course, Halloween. Celebrated today with costumes and candy galore, the holiday originated 2,000 years ago among the Celts, who celebrated a holiday called Samhain. “The Celts believed the dead returned to the world of living on this day, so they would all light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off bad spirits and ghosts. [...] The ghosts, haunted evil spirits, and costumes are still associated with Halloween to this day,” freshman Eva Lam explained in an e-mail interview.
For many people, such as freshman Elizabeth Neftin, Halloween is both a favorite holiday and a source of nostalgia. “I was so very big on costumes and trick-or-treating and the whole shebang for Halloween that it’s definitely a very prominent childhood memory,” she said. “It would be just as special an event as Christmas or the other big holidays because all my friends would get together and we’d go throughout the whole neighborhood trick-or-treating for hours.”
Halloween’s not the only thing that can send shivers down your spine. The arrival of fall weather brings all the same chills. “The main reason I like fall is really just the weather. It’s also the best season to exercise [during] because it’s not too hot and not too cold,” junior Sophia Shiu said. Fall seems to be the season where everything falls right in the middle. But as far as weather goes, it’s often quite similar to spring. So what makes fall better? “I could’ve picked the spring as my favorite season because it has similar weather but it’s also allergy season and I absolutely hate that,” Shiu explained.
Senior Bushra Karim described some of her favorite facets of the season: “I don't have any specific memories of fall, just the usual crunchy leaves on the way to school and warm tea,” she said. “But, apple cider donuts? Chef’s kiss. Get yourself some.”
While food brings warmth to people’s hearts and bellies, so does spending time with family or loved ones. “The good memories would be the hikes, trick-or-treating, and lately, we’ve been going on family trips for Halloween as well,” Neftin said. “I don’t have very many bad memories because I feel like I get acclimated to school pretty quickly so it’s not a huge deal.”
Neftin reminds us about a fall staple that many students dread. September marks the start of “back-to-school” season when students rush to get their school supplies and prepare for the start of a brand new school year. Some are excited to reunite with friends and meet new teachers, while others, such as junior Shanel Zheng, abhor the work that comes with it. “I don’t like the fall,” Zheng said “It’s September and school, and all my stress starts.”
Lam is determined, however, to overlook this fault of fall. “School starting in autumn sort of kills the happy vibes I get from the season, but I suppose it’s the best season for school to start in,” she wrote. “It would suck for school to start during winter, after all.” Karim echoed this sentiment: “I feel like if school started in any other season it would be weird,” she said.
Of course, for all fall’s virtues, it cannot be everybody’s favorite season. Neftin much prefers winter, but, like many others, can’t entirely decide on one favorite. “In my initial reaction to picking a favorite season, I of course thought of Christmas. [...] But fall in my mind has the same benefits. It’s a time for getting into nature and getting outdoors more,” she said.
On the opposite end of the thermometer, Zheng ardently defended her stance against fall and winter in favor of the warmer months. “Summer’s my favorite season, so fall’s much worse because it means summer’s over,” she explained. “It gets cold once the summer ends and you have to start wearing more layers all the time because it’s cold.”
There are a great many people who would disagree with the idea of fall being the best season, perhaps bringing up the sunshine of summer or the flora of spring. Each season holds a little bit of greatness, whether it be the weather, holidays, or traditions. For now, everyone has the opportunity to make the most of the uniqueness of fall. As we approach the peak of the season, remember to stay warm, stomp on some crunchy leaves, and consume as much pumpkin spice as you can.