How This Gymnast Has Flippin’ Fun
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Camille Sadoff
Height: 5’7”
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Blonde
Birthday: 06/01/2002
1. When did you start doing gymnastics?
I did gymnastics over the summer starting from when I was two, and I would go a couple of weeks every summer when I visited my grandma in Washington D.C. I would go to camp until sixth to seventh grade. In 10th grade, I picked it up again here at high school.
2. What are your team goals for this season?
So I think that by the end of the season, I went every one to compete at least once. We’ve actually been doing a really good job at that this season. It’s been a little quicker getting the girls to try out events and make routines.
3. Are there any skills you want to improve on for yourself, what’s your strongest event?
My strongest event is the beam. It’s what I’ve been doing since I joined the team. Right now, I’m working on my cartwheel on the beam and my front tuck dismount. The front tuck I had last year and then at our final—I had a sort of unfortunate incident so I was off of it for a little while, but I’m trying to get back on it now.
4. Are there any challenges the team faced this year?
We lost our captain Lee Ann [Rushlow, 19’], who was one of our strongest gymnasts; it was a big hit. This year, we’ve had a lot of injuries from our strongest members, which has really hurt us, and so a lot of the new members have had to step it up for the team.
5. How do you deal with schoolwork and gymnastics? Any tips?
It can be pretty hard especially since gymnastics is a winter sport so it gets dark really early. It’s a disincentivizing thing when you get home and have to do your work. I wake up in the morning to do my work a lot because when I get home, I’m really exhausted so I take a shower and go to sleep. Waking up to do my work is a lot easier for me.
6. How has the captainship changed your outlook on the game?
I’d say that before it was more about having fun and I didn’t really care whether we won or not. It seemed a little more like an individual sport because it’s not a team sport. This year I think my outlook has definitely changed because I really want everyone to succeed and I feel like I have more of a responsibility over everyone, so the sense of a team has really come together for me.
7. Favorite or funniest memory?
My favorite memory would be my sophomore year at our Saint Ann’s scrimmage because it was my first time competing and I got a ribbon. They also gave us cookies and were so kind, and there was just a lot of love and support going on that day. The funniest memory is, well, there's a lot of dramatic falling that happens on gymnastics, but this thing didn’t happen when I was on the team. Another thing which was funny to me was during sophomore year when someone remixed the video to Fallin’ In Love the year before our captain Anna Pacheco [18’] had fallen off the bars.
8. Proudest memory so far?
So last week we had a meet and it was really far away and everyone was really tired. But when we got there, we had four personal records and I was one of them, so that was really exciting. A lot of people did really well and I didn’t fall on the beam as well so that was good.
Drink of Choice:
>CS - Green tea ginger ale
Favorite food:
>CS - Pho
Motto to live by:
>CS - Get over yourself.
Fun fact:
>CS - I can’t pronounce pizza