
Why Wincent Weiss Can Hit My Line

Reading Time: 1 minute

The most attractive person to ever walk the halls of Stuyvesant High School (sorry Mr. Schechter), Wincent Weiss, graced us with his presence on December 6, 2018. The German-crooning superstar, a talent that puts the entire music department to shame, almost instantaneously became the highlight of everyone’s Stuyvesant career. He also sent at least half the population into cardiac arrest, myself included. Damn papachen.

Well, as you all know, the year is 2018, an era of shooting your shot. So @Wincent, there are a lot of reasons why you can hit my line ;))!

* Jawline is spectacular, 10/10

* That mic flipping thing that he did, I mean wow—what a coordinated lad

* My guy doesn’t really know how to put on a sweater, but idk it’s kind of cute

* Brilliant at flossing (both the dance move and, based on the state of those pearly whites, the dental procedure)

* Very politely refused a request that he take his shirt off, which was like a major disappointment but also very gentlemanly; my mom is impressed

* The way that he jumps over all the railings and up and down the stage really has me overwhelmed; nimble boi

* Writes songs about his BFF and sister = EXTREMELY WHOLESOME VIBES

* Engages with his audience so a very humble popstar

* Speaks really nice English but not so nice that my intelligence is threatened

* Butt hot

* Win in the name

In summary: Wincent Weiss, Prom 2k19?