
You Should Learn How to Create Art

Art is a natural part of one’s expression, and the Internet makes it easier than ever to tap into it.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Internet democratized the ability to learn new skills. Anyone with the will to learn and an Internet connection can learn how to cook, construct furniture, or calculate complex mathematics with the tap of a key. One can also learn how to create art—draw, paint, produce music, take photos, or tie-dye a shirt. The educational freedom of the digital world allows people to grab hold of their creative instincts. Often, when we doodle, sing, or see others do it better, we box ourselves in with the terms “good artist” or “bad artist,” “talented” or “untalented.” We create an unfairly high barrier of entry for anyone who hopes to express themselves. However, the digital realm allows one to get in touch with one’s individual artistry. We all have something that can creatively inspire us. After all, we engage with art on a regular basis, including film, books, music, or social media. Next time you are inspired, go create something because the tools are all right there.

Drawing from this inspiration to come to a conclusion on what you would like to do and simply looking it up on YouTube can be a helpful exercise. YouTube is excellent because it is free, and the amount of people who publish on YouTube ensures tremendous variety, letting one find personal inspiration and quality content with a bit of trial and error. It doesn’t have to be just tutorials either. Simply finding other artists who share their work and lives on the site can be just as productive as a how-to.

But what apps should one use? When working in a digital medium, the anxiety around finding the right tools can often feel as important and decisive as the work itself. Many may think of paid options: for hobbies such as digital painting, photo editing, video editing, and other visual work, the Adobe Creative Cloud is the immediately visible option. While the tools are good, they come at the high price tag of $50 a month.

One great way to find what works for you is to experiment with the plethora of free tools available, such as Blender, a versatile software that helps create at-home 3D VFX, cut together video, and animate. Those looking to draw or paint can use applications such as Krita, a digital canvas, or Inkscape for versatile graphic design. Those aspiring to create videos may use DaVinci Resolve, an all-encompassing video editor and color grading software, and those working in audio can turn to Audacity, a free program for recording and mixing audio tracks. These free tools allow one to experiment without immediately tying oneself down with what would feel like an investment, allowing anyone curious to fool around without having to commit.

As both an illustrator and digital sculptor, I often pull out a drawing tablet or even just a sheet of paper to seek reprieve from the stresses of daily life. Whether I am affected by the tail end of a bad day or the crushing anxiety of schoolwork, there is zen in the act of translating something that previously only existed as thought into reality. You may feel this way too, doodling eyes and stick figures in the margins of a worksheet or humming along to a tune because the experience exists in every facet of life.

Creating art is an activity you should allow yourself to indulge in. The resources that the Internet provides create a vast space for anyone to discover what they enjoy, and it is an opportunity that is not taken up quite as often as it should be. For what that opportunity provides, it is well worth the effort.