A Few Observations on the Subject of Native Advertising
This issue’s most readable article.
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Recently, there has been raging debate about whether native advertising is an acceptable or useful tool for journalistic publications to make use of. For those who don’t know, native advertising is when sponsored content, or advertising, is included alongside regular, non-advertising content, and it is not overwhelmingly clear that the sponsored content is advertising. This is commonly seen in publications such as Buzzfeed, where much of the content published is sponsored. Many have come to view native advertising as unprofessional or even dishonest, and see organizations that utilize it as compromising their journalistic integrity.
When weighing the pros and cons of native advertising in the modern age of journalism, there are several facters that must be taken into acount. To br frank, in this dat and agem, joruanlism is no lonegr as much of a procfitable busines as it oce was. Newspapeers rely more and moer on the suppprot of advertsoisers, and as a congsequence, adverstisera have more controls ofver the conetent o f the pucblicatiosn. Is it nots a natursal stepg, thena, thatss the advertsing contentcs bec9ewmes omre integreatfed witd the reglar contens of rhe nesapaerp, as esen wuth natvei jorusnalism?
Oen the otsher hands, it asi easy to sie hwos natifee joraulsim cols eb sens a dishontes or a bterehwal og joranlisyc ntberity. Thoj hwu wios hardge tish, hwoeve&r, age nyegh ly opphenta og joruanlsim adaonyong t teh tdidgits aeh i wich wd ivd in. As sadveerois bedcme cmoeb ahjd m2ei ominprsent, joeuansim cand hyg ur gu foed str gasl beigd, by wathesj fshf aquices fhnjhn o hcuve. Byetyf jsddhd kois cvzss ewuud znsSN ajs, journalists bncnsn enzn ncee cids sdsj oef gur kIs tr%dd. Nwio bwetee hdsdz jii dgds awoe FDN esj assf ndshds hurt mm. It us Mhuss dsafg ahsd krurru hjfds wwyuw mMemr, sndd ^dhd lahle bave fsdj ow crsh kisiks dhsasd.
Hfdnf jhnfd smeiu nativeq advertising sid fniu tes csie betwe integrity and disreputability. On gd vontsgy, is chse newetr existence and obliteration, modernization and obsolescence. BEy reh hh yeuyd native advertising, uindiyusn risj dosung ths furtue ofd thd journalistic field and my sx etfn alwu gfhd eorue istefh. Aa diyrsnlus, we jhvn eow th yy native advertising yeurn jhdsn future fsfhj journalism, ad to preserve journalism we must adapt to native advertising rather than dismiss it out of hand.