Stuyvesant alumni from the 2000s reflect on their experiences at Stuyvesant amidst the tumultuous decade.
Issue 0, Volume 114
A man in France is able to survive with 90 percent of his brain being made up of cerebrospinal fluids due to a neurological disease called hydrocephalus. He was able to lead a normal life without being aware of his shrunken brain, supporting the theory that brains are able to relearn consciousness when faced with damage.
Issue 14, Volume 112
By chewing sugar-free gum that contains xylitol, a natural sweetener that decreases the chances of developing periodontal disease, there will be a significant decrease in the amounts of preterm births occurring in our world today.
Issue 12, Volume 112
The custom brain implant helps combat depression symptoms through the tiny jolts being sent to the amygdala.
Issue 10, Volume 112
The MooLoo, a makeshift latrine, is designed to potty train the cows and reduce the greenhouse gas emissions/toxins that pollute our globe.
Issue 9, Volume 112
The release of a flying car in the early 2023, the AeroMobil 4.0, brings us closer to living our vision of a futuristic world. However, we must look at the benefits and drawbacks it brings to our society as a whole, before it's accepted into the mainstream.
Issue 8, Volume 112