Cognitive biases make humans extremely susceptible to misinformation. Evolutionary advantages, brain activity, and human nature may help explain this vulnerability and provide insight into how it can be avoided.
Issue 12, Volume 114
With eight billion people on the planet, there are countless different ways in which the mind can work. This includes learning disabilities or large disparities in strengths and weaknesses—neurodivergence. Learn about how neurodivergence works, Stuyvesant’s support toward neurodivergent students, and why neurodivergent minds are incredibly important to society.
Issue 17, Volume 113
Jealousy and envy, often thought of as “ugly” emotions, can actually be traced back to the psychology of early humans, where they were crucial to survival. The extensive psychology of these complex emotions still hold very much true today.
Issue 5, Volume 113
In the past few years, two names have become common knowledge to know: Pfizer and Moderna. These drugmakers formulated COVID-19 vaccines, manufacturing them at a pace that has started to shift the world out of the pandemic. Now, these two companies are in the midst of a lawsuit.
Issue 2, Volume 113
Blue lamp posts along the esplanade represent the possible heights of future flooding from the 2050 100- year storm. Here’s a look into flooding, its causes, and possible solutions.
Issue 16, Volume 112
Vladimir Putin, the world’s most dangerous man, is a figure that has intrigued many from a mental standpoint. His current mental state may be a direct result of his upbringing in post-siege Linnenberg.
Issue 14, Volume 112
David Bennett underwent a first-of-its-kind surgery that transplanted a genetically modified pig heart into his body.
Issue 12, Volume 112
Some things are much easier to remember than others– here is an investigation explaining this and strategies to make things stick.
Issue 11, Volume 112
From discoveries to debates, 2021 has been an eventful year in the scientific community; here’s a look into some of the most significant topics.
Issue 9, Volume 112
The novel Omicron variant is spreading across the globe and, though not extremely severe, worry is centered around the transmissibility rate and efficacy of vaccinations.
Issue 8, Volume 112