Arts and Entertainment
Poor Things (2023) is not a diatribe; it is rich in aesthetics and ideas, and it leaves the audience imbibed with a hunger to “experience everything.”
Issue 10, Volume 114
A deep dive into scratchitti and its often overlooked value.
Issue 8, Volume 114
An exploration of the American definition of pop music and how this genre has changed—and will continue to change—as a result of technological advancements.
Issue 3, Volume 114
A deep dive into the country music that everyone seems to hate.
Issue 17, Volume 113
A commentary on the recent influx of films satirizing the wealthy.
Issue 12, Volume 113
Bernardo Bertolucci’s 1970 magnum opus on fascism and conformity sees a new 4K remaster at the NYC Film Forum.
Issue 10, Volume 113
The history of pop punk and why the word “punk” isn’t an accurate description of the genre.
Issue 5, Volume 113
The new album by The Garden leaves listeners stranded in a haunted house, but they enjoy it.
Issue 2, Volume 113