Democrats should stop threatening Trump with impeachment every time he makes a decision that doesn’t further their agendas.
Issue 9, Volume 109
Several secular attempts have already been made thus far to strip advertisements, entertainment, slogans, etc. of anything overtly Christmas related, so as to keep the shopping season culturally inclusive.
Issue 8, Volume 109
The lack of palpable anti-semitism should not be mistaken with a lack of presence.
Issue 5, Volume 109
By mandating only STEM-based classes and limiting the number of humanities classes a student can take, the administration is entirely underestimating the value of these classes.
Issue 14, Volume 108
The faces of these movements, especially those with celebrity status, should work to further their initial intents and make sure they operate on inclusive principles.
Issue 13, Volume 108
Unless one has an unconventional amount of power as well as malicious intent, self-respecting human beings normally opt to use the concept of God to do good deeds, stopping themselves from committing objectively “bad” ones. And in that sense, religion fulfills a beneficial role.
Issue 10, Volume 108
Sanctuary cities are an outdated way of combating America’s immigration policy, and sensible restrictions must be placed regarding their unwillingness to cooperate with the federal law.
Issue 8, Volume 108
Yet, the Democratic party—which claims to be firmly opposed to sexual assault—has had a totally underwhelming response.
Issue 7, Volume 108
After being repeatedly unsuccessful in a class, there’s less incentive to try harder as each attempt seems more and more futile.
Issue 6, Volume 108
Speculation concerning the “Russia scandal” has taken up an incredulous amount of their attention, and allowed for the neglection of arguably larger issues afflicting our nation.
Tax cuts are essential in this competitive economy to combat the relocation of American corporations, and stimulate the rise of small businesses, the crux of...
Issue 4, Volume 108
In an elite school that boasts some of the best computer science and technology classes in the nation, the administration's approach toward electronics remains surprisingly obsolete.
Issue 1, Volume 108
The unattainable goal that political correctness seeks to achieve has resulted in more stringent limitations on individual freedom, including restrictive speech codes banning words such as “sportsmanship.”
Issue 16, Volume 107
Trump’s efforts to silence journalists should not be tolerated.
Issue 12, Volume 107