Chancellor of the New York City Department of Education Richard Carranza announced that the period from November 2 to 15 would be the only opportunity for families to opt into blended learning for the 2020 to 2021 school year.
Issue 5, Volume 111
Senior Julian Giordano and junior Shivali Korgaonkar emerge unopposed as leaders of the 2020-2021 Student Union.
Issue 3, Volume 111
In response to the COVID-19 crisis, the College Board has announced major changes, as well as stricter protocols, for the 2020 AP Exams.
Issue 13, Volume 110
A breakdown of the Parents’ Association’s yearly revenue, operating expenses, and distribution of funds.
Issue 10, Volume 110
Scott Thomas, Assistant Principal of Chemistry and Physics, has become the Assistant Principal of Technology following former Assistant Principal of Music, Art, and Technology Dr. Raymond Wheeler’s retirement.
Issue 2, Volume 110
Stuyvesant held its third Songwriter’s Hall of Fame Master Session on May 6.
Issue 17, Volume 109
The Acting Company performed Shakespeare’s “Othello” on February 11.
Issue 13, Volume 109
The English department discovered a case of academic dishonesty during Regents week.
Issue 11, Volume 109
Issue 7, Volume 109
A ceremony celebrating the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War was held on Friday, November 9 by Stuyvesant’s History Club and Social Studies Department.
Issue 6, Volume 109
Alumni brothers Edwin (’04) and Alfred Lin (’90) donated $1 million for a new robotics lab at Stuyvesant.
Issue 3, Volume 109