Arts and Entertainment
Issue 13, Volume 109
Issue 15, Volume 108
Despite a lacking script and disappointing numbers, Junior SING! took bold risks and was a funny, bright show.
Issue 11, Volume 108
“The Foreigner” disappoints with a convoluted story and a lack of Jackie Chan.
Issue 7, Volume 108
Miley Cyrus’ “Younger Now” is possibly her most recent genuine work to date.
Issue 4, Volume 108
“Wonder Woman” is a spectacular superhero film focusing on Diana Prince’s character and feminist mindset.
Issue 1, Volume 108
This summer will feature the release of many incredible movies as a refreshing break from the past school year.
Issue 16, Volume 107
Disney princes have mainly been the same stereotypical muscular guys who go on to rescue the princess, which is not a good inspiration for young boys watching them.
Issue 13, Volume 107
Club Penguin has been discontinued as of March 29, 2017.
Issue 12, Volume 107