The Peglegs, Stuyvesant’s boys’ lacrosse team, despite fighting hard in their recent matchup with Lehman Campus, finish their season with first round exit.
Issue 16, Volume 109
Issue 13, Volume 109
The boys’ basketball team falls to 0-10 in a blowout loss against East Harlem Pride High School.
Issue 10, Volume 109
Issue 9, Volume 109
The girls’ basketball team aims high for the playoffs after a blowout win against Seward Park Campus on December 19, 2018.
Issue 8, Volume 109
The boys’ basketball team falls to 0-4 despite a hard-fought battle against Washington Irving High School.
Issue 7, Volume 109
The boys’ basketball team looks forward to the long season despite opening the season with a blowout loss.
Issue 6, Volume 109
The boys’ varsity badminton team starts the season with a blowout win but hopes to improve playing against stronger opponents as the season unfolds.
Issue 4, Volume 109
The boys’ badminton team looks forward to their upcoming season despite having gaps left by graduated seniors.
Issue 2, Volume 109
The Greyducks have enjoyed a great outdoor season with major wins in the Borough and City Championships.
Issue 16, Volume 108
Though the Stuyvesant Greyducks did not perform as they expected to in the first few meets, they hope to improve as the season unfolds.
Issue 14, Volume 108
The Stuyvesant wrestling team showed a lot of potential in their season opener against Edward R. Murrow High School which took place on December 5th.
Issue 7, Volume 108