The Spectator interviews Andrew Chopey, a member of the boys’ varsity swim team and commit to the University of Rochester.
Issue 8, Volume 109
The Spectator interviewed Samuel Fang, a junior on the Stuyvesant Bowling team, who captured third place at the PSAL Manhattan Borough Individual Championships and was able to advance to the City Individual Championships.
Issue 7, Volume 109
The Spectator got an interview with Tim Marder, one of the captains of the Peglegs, Stuyvesant’s varsity football team.
Issue 6, Volume 109
An Interview with Anna Lanzman.
Issue 5, Volume 109
The Spectator’s sports department got an interview with the leading scorer of the boys’ varsity soccer team, senior Sean Takada.
Issue 4, Volume 109
One of this year’s captains of the girls’ soccer team, Alexandra (Allie) Lennard talks about how she got into soccer, and what the Mimbas team environment is like.
Issue 2, Volume 109
Two members of the boys’ fencing team, Albert Zhang and Alex Lin, give the 101 on what it’s like to be a high school fencer.
Issue 1, Volume 109
Senior Frankie Michelli lets The Spectator in on a few facts about her 4-year long career as Stuyvesant’s softball pitcher.
Issue 16, Volume 108
All relationships end: girlfriEND, boyfriEnd, even best friEND, but a setter and his hitter are forever.
Issue 15, Volume 108
An interview with Christopher Chan from the boys’ varsity golf team.
Issue 14, Volume 108
Encouraged by their performance last season, the Stuyvesant Beasts are well on their way to making PSAL history.
Issue 13, Volume 108
Though the Stuyvesant Boys’ Table Tennis team, the Titans, was dealt their first loss in 5 years, ending their 60+ game win streak, they still hope to win their fifth consecutive title in Coach Feigenbaum’s last year.
Issue 8, Volume 108
The Stuyvesant boys’ table tennis team, the Titans, are looking to capture their fourth straight title amid the loss of key players.
Issue 7, Volume 108
Stuy’s boys varsity soccer team, continue their successes as their season comes to an end, earning a spot in the playoffs.
Issue 4, Volume 108
The Stuyvesant boys’ soccer team, the Peglegs, kicks off its season with a loss, but are looking for a quick bounce back.
Issue 2, Volume 108
As school starts up again, the Stuyvesant boys’ soccer team, the Peglegs, prepare for another strong season.
Issue 1, Volume 108
The Beasts beat Laguardia with a subpar performance, continuing their win streak.
Issue 13, Volume 107
The boys’ volleyball team starts their season losing their first scrimmage but finds their team chemistry along the way.
Issue 12, Volume 107