A Difficult Start for the Peglegs
By Allison Eng, Lee-Ann Rushlow, Lumi Westerlund
The Stuyvesant boys’ soccer team, the Peglegs, kicks off its season with a loss, but are looking for a quick bounce back.
Most Impactful Moves from the 2017 NBA Off-season
Summarizing and analyzing the effect of the most impactful moves this NBA off-season.
Arts and Entertainment
What It Means to Be Beautiful
By Andrew Ng
Summarize the focus of the story in one sentence
Arts and Entertainment
The Beauty Guru Fever
By Elma Rahman
A thinkpiece on the influence beauty gurus have on our culture and younger generations in particular.
Arts and Entertainment
Hollywood’s Misrepresentation of Asians
Without Asians holding more responsibility, Hollywood is able to continue with its bad casting decisions and racist stereotypes.
Arts and Entertainment
When Politics Has a Price Tag
By Sophie Feng
An analysis of how celebrities increasingly use political awareness as a means to boost their image.
Undocumented at Stuyvesant
Stuyvesant has long been known to have an exceptionally large immigrant student population. A recent survey done by the Spectator revealed that approximately 74 percent of the current freshman class is either an immigrant or a child of immigrants. This makes our current political climate particularly sensitive for Stuyvesant students, especially in light of all of the rhetoric against immigration by the Trump administration. Unfortunately, this negative attention has silenced many students. The truth is that an issue that affects one student in our school affects us all.
How Impossible Is the Indians Streak?
Following a 22-game win streak by the Indians, I take a look at how impossible that really is.

Arts and Entertainment
NYC Food Hall of Fame
By Angela Peng
Chelsea Market opened its doors to thousands of hungry New Yorkers of wildly different backgrounds and tastes in food in 1980. Thus began a new...

Arts and Entertainment
A New Music Video Begins a New Era of Taylor Swift
By Lena Farley
“The old Taylor can’t come to the phone right now,” Taylor Swift’s signature red lips murmur. “Why? Oh…’cause she’s dead.” That might just be a...

Otherwise Lost: Stories from Suresnes
When I learned that I was going to Paris with my family during the summer, the first thing that came into my mind was one...
“Five-Star Dining” at the Cafeteria
By Benedict Ho
“Why did I buy popcorn chicken when the cafeteria served this?”—Daniel Ju, senior
Craziest Program Changes (Program Office Hates Them!)
By Omar Ali
Crazy students come into the the program office to ask for a number of whack program changes.
Trump: Making America Ignorant Again
By Sehrish Ali
Why transgender people should not be banned from the military.
Assuming Altruism
By Jane Rhee
The U.S. should adopt a presumed consent organ donation system.

Arts and Entertainment
The Story of Dunkirk
“Dunkirk” is not a story about war, but about human endeavor.
A Difficult Start for the Peglegs
By Allison Eng, Lee-Ann Rushlow, Lumi Westerlund
The Stuyvesant boys’ soccer team, the Peglegs, kicks off its season with a loss, but are looking for a quick bounce back.
Most Impactful Moves from the 2017 NBA Off-season
Summarizing and analyzing the effect of the most impactful moves this NBA off-season.
Arts and Entertainment
What It Means to Be Beautiful
By Andrew Ng
Summarize the focus of the story in one sentence
Arts and Entertainment
The Beauty Guru Fever
By Elma Rahman
A thinkpiece on the influence beauty gurus have on our culture and younger generations in particular.
Arts and Entertainment
Hollywood’s Misrepresentation of Asians
Without Asians holding more responsibility, Hollywood is able to continue with its bad casting decisions and racist stereotypes.
Arts and Entertainment
When Politics Has a Price Tag
By Sophie Feng
An analysis of how celebrities increasingly use political awareness as a means to boost their image.

Arts and Entertainment
NYC Food Hall of Fame
By Angela Peng
Chelsea Market opened its doors to thousands of hungry New Yorkers of wildly different backgrounds and tastes in food in 1980. Thus began a new...
Undocumented at Stuyvesant
Stuyvesant has long been known to have an exceptionally large immigrant student population. A recent survey done by the Spectator revealed that approximately 74 percent of the current freshman class is either an immigrant or a child of immigrants. This makes our current political climate particularly sensitive for Stuyvesant students, especially in light of all of the rhetoric against immigration by the Trump administration. Unfortunately, this negative attention has silenced many students. The truth is that an issue that affects one student in our school affects us all.
How Impossible Is the Indians Streak?
Following a 22-game win streak by the Indians, I take a look at how impossible that really is.

Arts and Entertainment
A New Music Video Begins a New Era of Taylor Swift
By Lena Farley
“The old Taylor can’t come to the phone right now,” Taylor Swift’s signature red lips murmur. “Why? Oh…’cause she’s dead.” That might just be a...
New Research Partnership to Help Young Stuyvesant Scientists Flourish
Stuyvesant has recently established a relationship with the Young Scientist Foundation, which held a presentation where two Stuyvesant students were invited to showcase their scientific discoveries.

Otherwise Lost: Stories from Suresnes
When I learned that I was going to Paris with my family during the summer, the first thing that came into my mind was one...
“Five-Star Dining” at the Cafeteria
By Benedict Ho
“Why did I buy popcorn chicken when the cafeteria served this?”—Daniel Ju, senior
Craziest Program Changes (Program Office Hates Them!)
By Omar Ali
Crazy students come into the the program office to ask for a number of whack program changes.
Trump: Making America Ignorant Again
By Sehrish Ali
Why transgender people should not be banned from the military.

Visions of Americana
Driving around my dad’s hometown in upstate New York showed me that our perceptions of small town America are wrong, and that they in fact represent a more diverse America than we give them credit for.
Assuming Altruism
By Jane Rhee
The U.S. should adopt a presumed consent organ donation system.
Conference Days are Back at Stuyvesant
By Alexia Leong, Wen Shan Jiang
Conference days are being held once a month for teachers and administrative staff to engage in professional development.