On Monday, March 19 and Friday, March 23, Stuyvesant held its third annual International Women’s Day Run to celebrate female empowerment and wellness.
Issue 12, Volume 108
The New York City Department of Education (DOE) held its first Gender and Sexuality Alliance at Stuyvesant High School on January 29, 2018. The event allowed students to speak about various topics with other members of the LGBTQ community and taught administrators techniques to support the LGBTQ community.
Issue 11, Volume 108
Stuyvesant’s second International Film Festival took place from January 8 to January 17, in the Murray Kahn Theater.
Issue 9, Volume 108
Stuyvesant hosted a StuyHacks Local Hack Day on Saturday, December 2, where middle and high school students from around New York collaborated on various innovative coding projects
Issue 7, Volume 108
Stuyvesant held its second annual pep rally on Friday, November 3 with highlight performances from Stuy Legacy, cheer and dodgeball games.
Issue 6, Volume 108
A Jewish woman and an Arab man came to Stuyvesant to talk about their experiences as soldiers in the Israeli army.
Jack Cruse has been named co-chair of the SLT, the first student in this position.
Issue 4, Volume 108
Free lunch available at Stuyvesant from a student’s perspective
Issue 2, Volume 108
Stuyvesant participated in the National History Day (NHD) competition for the second year in a row and sent two teams to nationals
Issue 16, Volume 107
A piece about Young Democrats Speaker Frank Lavin, Republican CEO
Issue 13, Volume 107
The Spanish Department discovered alleged sharing of VHL homeworks within their Spanish III classes.
Issue 12, Volume 107
The Student Union (SU) signed a one year contract on Thursday, March 9, giving all Stuyvesant students and faculty free access to The New York Times (NYT) online, beginning on Friday, March 10, 2017.
The Conservators Club, a club headed by junior Gloria Ghita, recently held a ceremony on March 22, 2017 in recognition of the club’s successful efforts to save to two ancient Roman shoes.