Stuyvesant alumni and Harvard first-year Jonathan Schneiderman provides some advice for students going through the dreaded college process.
Issue 8, Volume 112
A letter to an editor in response to “Ditch the A.P.’s” by Kerry Garfinkel
Issue 6, Volume 112
On Saturday morning, battleground state voters brought the Trump Administration to an end. What happens now?
Issue 4, Volume 111
The Electoral math is better for Biden than for Trump, but it’s far from over.
Voting for third-party Presidential candidates is a bad way to resist the binary. And in 2020 as four years before, the stakes are too high.
Issue 2, Volume 111
If done right, packing the court will restore its legitimacy, not diminish it.
Issue 13, Volume 110
Opinions Editor Jonathan Schneiderman makes the case for ESNU or Pass/Fail grades in the 2020 Spring Term.
Issue 12, Volume 110
Issue 11, Volume 110
We need fewer policy specifics in Presidential politics, not more.
Issue 9, Volume 110
Arts and Entertainment
Smartwatches need to go next to smartphones in the list of devices to turn off before a show.
Issue 8, Volume 110
A profile of junior Theadora Williams who will be graduating this spring.
Issue 5, Volume 110
Philosophy not only goes well beyond the scope of science—it underlies it, too.
Issue 1, Volume 110
When President Donald J. Trump, a man who has inspired multiple terrorist attacks, said that Jews who vote for Democrats are disloyal, he got a lot of attention.
A review of the most ambitious blockbuster of all time: “Avengers Endgame.”
Issue 16, Volume 109
Whataboutism is a helluva a drug, and when it comes to grotesque bigotry, there would seem to be nothing for respectable conservatives like a good...
Issue 14, Volume 109
The NRA has dominated the child-killing scene for almost a decade. Now anti-vaxxers want to unseat it.
When Beto O’Rourke first started making national headlines during the early days of the 2018 Texas Senate elections, few would have predicted that this fresh-faced...
Issue 13, Volume 109
Inslee is a climate-focused Democrat with a solid message and strong record. The question is as follows: will Democrats buy what he’s selling?
Issue 8, Volume 109
Issue 7, Volume 109
Donald Trump actively pushed the rhetoric that inspired both the shooting in Pittsburgh and the series of attempted assassinations against high-profile Democrats and journalists. In the wake of those attacks, he doesn’t seem to have any intention of stopping.
Issue 5, Volume 109
For the health of this country’s Judiciary, Supreme Court Justices should have 15-year nonrenewable terms.
Issue 4, Volume 109
Over the traumatized voice of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, Republicans have put a partisan conspiracy theorist onto the Supreme Court.
Despite its cultural status, the central argument of Tolstoy’s masterpiece has been forgotten by history.
Issue 3, Volume 109
Though Kavanaugh is an intrinsically fantastic Supreme Court nominee, Senate Democrats should resist his nomination for one reason: Merrick Garland.
Issue 1, Volume 109
There is a serious shortage of scientific research into the effects of gun policy, and that seriously hinders almost any gun policy debate for all participants.
Issue 16, Volume 108
Though Donald Trump’s North Korea strategy has great potential with respect to North Korea itself, its long-term implications are terrifying.
Issue 15, Volume 108