The outbreak of H5N1 bird flu across America has decimated poultry populations and caused issues with other animals such as dairy cows and wildlife, leading to egg shortages and concerns of a pathogenic strain that could affect humans.
Issue 10, Volume 115
Quantum sensors detect subatomic and atomic shifts, being innovated on to image and detect certain intracellular qualities and processes that provides a promising future in the medical field.
Issue 3, Volume 115
Wheels enable us to commute and reach vast distances, but they are manufactured by humans. However, despite their success, wheels wouldn’t be able to evolve naturally in organisms due to the way bones grow and the rules that allow wheels to function normally.
Issue 2, Volume 115
Directions have been a main part of human life because evolution has prompted for the development of locomotion, sharper senses, and eventually intelligence. This intelligence would later on foster the beginnings of communication, which took inspiration from certain adaptations for movement to become linguistic patterns.
Issue 1, Volume 115