Soleimani’s killing will shift anger toward the U.S. in Iran and bolster radicalist elements in vital upcoming elections.
Issue 9, Volume 110
India’s new citizenship law is another step in the BJP’s Hindu Nationalist agenda, which threatens its democracy and its economy.
Issue 8, Volume 110
Required classes help us find our future careers and become better, more informed citizens.
Issue 7, Volume 110
Though other Democratic candidates have adopted much of his populist economic platform, Sanders’s focus on class as opposed to race or gender still sets him apart from the rest of the democratic field.
Issue 13, Volume 109
Foreign aid benefits both other countries and the U.S., which is why it should be increased.
Issue 11, Volume 109
The best way forward for Britain is to hold a second referendum on Brexit.
Issue 7, Volume 109
To win control of the government in 2020, Democrats will have to play dirty.
Issue 6, Volume 109
President Trump should refocus his protectionism away from allies and toward nations with unfair trade practices, such as China.
Issue 15, Volume 108
The growing rift in the Democratic Party threatens its chances of retaking power and effecting change in government.
Issue 12, Volume 108
While partisanship has worsened in America, it can be reduced through a redesign of the primary system and an end to partisan gerrymandering.
Issue 10, Volume 108
Current geopolitical and economic trends mean that America will soon lose the position of dominance it has occupied for decades.
Issue 9, Volume 108
While Catalonia has legitimate grievances against Spain, independence would only hurt Catalonia in the long term.
Issue 6, Volume 108