A brave Humor writer risked her perfect attendance to record the lyrics of the lullaby that’s been haunting Stuyvesant.
Issue 4, Volume 114
In which a Humor writer discovers the diary of a graduated senior who had a (very) rough year.
Issue 3, Volume 114
The incoming fresh meat might find this incredibly useful.
Issue 1, Volume 114
Stuyvesant offers new courses for next year to “spice up” the curriculum.
Issue 15, Volume 113
We’re just trying to figure out our chances of scoring a five before even taking the test, man.
Issue 14, Volume 113
A leaked spy report addressed to The Spectator Humor Department reveals the inner shenanigans of the cult known as StuySquad.
Issue 9, Volume 113
Each Christmas holiday tradition gives an earnest defense of itself while criticizing the others, determined to capture the hearts of celebrating families.
Issue 8, Volume 113
Students receive their marking period one report cards, only to find something horribly wrong with their grades!
Issue 5, Volume 113
Stuyvesant High School’s record of a DeltaMath speed-run has been broken overnight by a desperate sophomore trying to save their grade.
Issue 2, Volume 113