Stuyvesant students and teachers express their thoughts on Trump’s book bans.
Issue 11, Volume 115
Teachers and students share their thoughts on Governor Kathy Hochul’s proposed cell phone ban.
Issue 10, Volume 115
An investigative report into the gaps in how Stuyvesant educates its students, particularly through guidance push-ins, about sexual misconduct, and how they handle such abuse when it occurs.
Issue 6, Volume 115
A team of students from high schools in the New York area, including several from Stuyvesant, went to Paris to present a solution to one of society’s problems, an amazing experience with memories to last a lifetime.
Issue 5, Volume 115
Examining the necessity of media literacy given the rising use of social media in regards to politics.
Issue 2, Volume 115
Summer is ample amount of time for students to test their limits and pursue their passions, and summer programs are one of the best ways to do so. However, are summer programs worth the difficult process, and is it the end of the world if a student doesn’t get accepted into one?
Issue 17, Volume 114
A look at AP culture in Stuyvesant.
Issue 15, Volume 114