With the reveal of Scholastic Art & Writing Awards results, many students found themselves earning creative recognition, earning awards that reflect their passions, ideas, and talent.
Issue 11, Volume 115
Stuyvesant High School’s reputation for academic excellence coupled with its outstanding number of acceptances to top institutions often leads to it being called a “feeder school. Let’s explore some of the opinions presented by our student body about this title.
Schedule change’s bring a mix of excitement, frustration, and adjustment for Stuyvesant students. While some students enjoy their class locations and light workloads, other students struggle with early classes, lost free periods, and separations from friends.
Issue 10, Volume 115
The American Mathematics Competition (AMC) offers students the opportunity to test their problem-solving abilities, gain experience in math, and qualify for prestigious exams such as the AIME, all while fostering a sense of community for math.
Issue 6, Volume 115
During our free periods, they walk among us.
Issue 4, Volume 115
Dress to Impress quickly racks up a large fanbase of devoted fashionistas as players style their characters to win the grand prize.
Issue 2, Volume 115
Summer is ample amount of time for students to test their limits and pursue their passions, and summer programs are one of the best ways to do so. However, are summer programs worth the difficult process, and is it the end of the world if a student doesn’t get accepted into one?
Issue 17, Volume 114
Some students are forced to arrive before school doors open, but staff need time to get set up before they can let them in.
Issue 10, Volume 114
An investigation into the harmful consequences of confessions accounts like @Stuy.Crunchy, which posted gossip and criticism targeting specific students.
Issue 7, Volume 114