Average student writes a totally ordinary “Why us?” college essay.
Issue 5, Volume 115
A log of a Big Sib interview gone horribly wrong. And a story of love, loss, and cheese.
Issue 16, Volume 114
The truth of what happened to the Valentine’s gifts that never made it to your homeroom is finally revealed.
Issue 11, Volume 114
Follow these six fail-safe tips to get the college recommendation letter of your dreams.
Issue 9, Volume 114
This Halloween, a group of Freshman break free from their usual gym-clothing attire to dress up as the 7-9 escalator.
Issue 6, Volume 114
Ever wished you had a greater knowledge of the 2000s to humor your teachers when they begin to drone about it? Here’s a quick and completely reliable guide of a typical day spent at Stuyvesant in the early 2000s!
Issue 3, Volume 114
There’s a new exciting hire at Stuyvesant High School this year, and his Kenergy is almost too much to bear. Embark on this Kenerific journey to witness Ken’s spectacular antics, read in horror as he creates new classes, and maybe shed a few tears at his glorious words of Kisdom.
Issue 1, Volume 114
One stuffy biology class, a student has a dream about a new species evolving from Stuyvesant students…and it’s filled with sleep deprivation and ramen.
Issue 17, Volume 113
In an effort to get Stuyvesant’s seniors to touch grass, Principal Yu takes them on a camping trip, with disastrous results.
Issue 16, Volume 113