The Features Department
Stuyvesant students pitch a new Olympic sport that they would place a gold medal in.
Issue 1, Volume 115
The Spectator’s Features Department asked members of the school community about what makes the 2024 presidential election special.
Issue 0, Volume 115
As the weather gets warmer, Stuyvesant students anonymously share their experiences, thoughts, and perspectives on slut-shaming.
Issue 16, Volume 114
A look into the dedication and work of SING! crews behind the scenes.
Issue 12, Volume 114
Students discuss why they decided to take their foreign language of choice.
Issue 11, Volume 114
In honor of the recent closing of the Tribeca Barnes and Noble, students share their appreciation, as well as positive memories and anecdotes, of the store.
Issue 10, Volume 114
The resolutions that students hope the administration will implement in the coming year, as well as their own plans to improve the Stuyvesant community.
Issue 9, Volume 114
The favorite holiday dishes of Stuyvesant students.
Issue 7, Volume 114
The Spectator released an anonymous form giving students the chance to share their lived experiences, thoughts, and perspectives on the Israel-Hamas war.
Issue 4, Volume 114
An analysis of the summer 2023 survey results, including goals, productivity, recreation, and memories.
Issue 1, Volume 114
Students suggest classes (academic or otherwise) that they wish Stuyvesant offered.
Summer Lovin’: Stuy Students’ Plans for the Upcoming Months
Issue 17, Volume 113
In honor of Mother’s Day, Stuyvesant students shout-out the important women in their lives and describe how they celebrate them.
Issue 16, Volume 113
What single item in a Stuyvesant student’s backpack (excluding phone, keys, wallet, and laptop) would they choose to bring to school if the rest of its contents were off-limits?
Issue 12, Volume 113
Insight on the trials and tribulations of various crews throughout SING!
Issue 11, Volume 113
Students reveal the support systems they appreciate most at Stuyvesant.
Issue 10, Volume 113
Stuyvesant students recount the times in which they’ve witnessed kindness.
Issue 9, Volume 113
Students and teachers share juicy tidbits from their notes app.
Issue 7, Volume 113
Wackiest, out of pocket things heard over the Thanksgiving dinner table.
Issue 6, Volume 113
Stuyvesant’s takes on spirit week.
Issue 5, Volume 113
The past cannot be changed. Here’s what Stuyvesant has to say about regrets.
Issue 1, Volume 113
Teachers share some searing relationship advice.
Issue 16, Volume 112
Features writers delve into the wacky, existential, and impenetrable questions that permeate our lives.
Issue 13, Volume 112
In reflection of this year’s SING! season, the Features Department dives into the different crews that bring the show to life.
Issue 12, Volume 112
Some heart-melting lines to pick up your crush (or for yourself, if you’re in the mood for some healthy narcissism).
Issue 11, Volume 112
As seniors apply to colleges this fall, three reflect on their journey so far.
Issue 8, Volume 112
From sci-fi to drama, from plays to poems, here are Stuyvesant students’ favorite books from their various English classes.
Issue 7, Volume 112
You were young and foolish. Mistakes were made. If you could, what advice would you give to your younger self to avert disaster?
Issue 2, Volume 112
Sixty years down the line, here’s what Stuyvesant students will tell their grandchildren about life during the pandemic.
Issue 17, Volume 111
What do Stuyvesant Students think of the rise in anti-Asian Hate Crimes?
Issue 13, Volume 111
After the end of the first semester, students share their thoughts on the CR option.
Issue 11, Volume 111
A buffet of responses—what do the folks of Stuyvesant crave at night?
Issue 6, Volume 111
Issue 5, Volume 111
What is Stuyvesant scared of?
Issue 4, Volume 111
School, stress, quarantine. In the midst of uncertainty and adapting to online school, what makes life worth living for Stuyvesant students?
Issue 3, Volume 111
Students discuss their experience taking online AP exams this year.
Issue 16, Volume 110
In reflection of this year’s SING! season, the Features Department dives into the process of bringing the show to life.
Issue 11, Volume 110
The Features Department presents excerpts of some of the winning pieces by Stuyvesant writers in the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards.
Stuyvesant’s Thoughts on Valentine’s Day
Issue 10, Volume 110
Who or what do Stuyvesant students hate the most?
Issue 9, Volume 110
Where will Stuyvesant students be in 10 years? Some say medical school. Others say homeless. And some just say “sleeping.”
Features writers delve into the lives of those students who were born in a different city, state, and even country.
Issue 7, Volume 110
The Features Department discusses Stuyvesant students’ holiday traditions.
What stereotypes do we encounter as Stuyvesant students? Are they true?
Issue 6, Volume 110
Discover Stuyvesant’s favorite TV shows to binge-watch!
Issue 5, Volume 110
What are some of Stuyvesant students’ and faculty’s most memorable costumes?
Issue 4, Volume 110
What food do Stuyvesant students rely on to comfort them when they’re feeling down?
Issue 2, Volume 110
An introduction of the new teachers at Stuyvesant.
Seniors offer their advice to underclassmen.
Issue 17, Volume 109
Issue 16, Volume 109
The Features department collected stories of the best prank other Stuyvesant students have pulled themselves or been victim to.
Issue 14, Volume 109
What advice do current teachers at Stuyvesant have for students heading off to college?
Issue 11, Volume 109
This is what students have said about the use of JUUL products and related brands at Stuyvesant High School in the written portion of an anonymous survey.
Issue 10, Volume 109
From fighting over little things to going to the movies together, a number of Stuyvesant students describe their relationship with their siblings.
Issue 8, Volume 109
Issue 6, Volume 109
Summer Vacation Teacher Spread
Issue 2, Volume 109
A collection of summer vacation quotes from students
Issue 1, Volume 109
Teacher Spread
Issue 16, Volume 108
Issue 7, Volume 108
Issue 6, Volume 108