As those who have unknowingly experienced disconnect from our cultures for so long, we’ve grown to believe in the importance of remaining in touch with our roots in any way possible.
Issue 1, Volume 115
Find out what the way you smell like reveals about who you are.
Issue 16, Volume 114
Stuyvesant MSA wins first place at the Muslim Interscholastic Tournament for the second consecutive year.
Issue 15, Volume 114
Explaining the positive change in mentality when it comes to Islam in the Western world.
Issue 12, Volume 114
Focus Sentence:
Issue 10, Volume 114
Sophomore Sheryl Xie wins annual Holiday Card Competition with painting of a winter forest.
Issue 9, Volume 114
A comprehensive guide to accomplishing all your goals for the New Year!
A brutally honest guide to some of the most common gifts.
Issue 8, Volume 114
Stuy alumni Adeeba Shahid Talukder (‘05) and Tiffany Troy (‘14) visit Stuyvesant to present poetry readings and share their experiences as writers.
In this article, I explain why it is necessary to increase the options for food for Muslims and halal certification.
A foolproof list of ways to be the parents’ favorites!
Issue 6, Volume 114
However, scary movies do just that: by focusing on mainly the horror aspect, consumers are often united through fear, as thousands of hearts simultaneously pick up pace.
Issue 4, Volume 114
Stuyvesant High School’s ARISTA honors society held an induction ceremony on October 6, 2023.
Stuyvesant’s Ukrainian Aid Committee held a bake sale on March 24th and 25th to raise money for Ukrainian war victims.
Issue 17, Volume 113
A collection of the most ridiculous dreams that Stuy students have ever had
Islam: Misunderstood for Centuries
Stuyvesant’s Environmental Club held an Earth Day Fair on April 24 from 4-6 PM.
Issue 15, Volume 113